5 Amazing Signs You're Doing It Right with Your Teen

by Chris Taylor MFT, Author “Back To Basics”

With everything there is in this world to make you question whether or not you are being a good parent it can be hard to think of yourself as competent.  We live in a world of parent shaming and social media has added to this ultra-competitive nature of parenting by giving everyone with an opinion the ability to question the decions you are making.  This article will turn that approach around.  Here are 5 signs that you are doing an amazing job with your teen.

Signs you’re doing an amazing job parenting your teen

1.   Your teen is doing well in school. 

The first thing that suffers when a teen is not doing well is their grades.  Now A’s and B’s are great but ask yourself if they are giving full effort regardless of the grade.  School is a way your teen can invest in themselves.  If they are healthy emotionally then they will invest in themselves and display a high level of effort.

2.   Your teen has open conversations with you.  

Teens want to be the expert of their own life.  They can only do this when they are free from judgement.  If your teen is opening up to you then you can rest assured the feel validated and valued by you.  Give yourself credit for creating the place they feel safe to share

3.   They invite their friends over to your house.  

Teens want to be where they can feel the most comfortable.  When parents are doing right then the teen will not only be home but will invite others to share in the joy.

5 Amazing Signs You're Doing It Right with Your Teen | by Christopher Taylor, MFT, teen expert and author of “Back to Basics”

4.   They follow the rules of the house and feel free to try and negotiate.  

As your teen shifts into a more emotional-relational model of interacting, they will want independence and freedom to set their own rules.  If they are following your rules, then know it is because they see you as a reasonable partner and a parent who is willing to negotiate and re-evaluate as they show they can handle the responsibility of more freedom.

5.   They are polite and respectful of others.  

Sometimes the best indicator of your amazing parenting skills is how they express the values you instilled towards others.  If you hear please and thank you’s and they are kind and helpful towards others, then give yourself a pat on the back for being a superstar parent. Even if this only happens with others, it was you that developed this within them.

So, there you have it!  I hope this helps you look in the mirror and see the incredible parent looking back at you. No matter whether you have 5 or none, chances are you are still doing an exceptional job.  Find like minded parents who share your struggles and you will see how good you really are.


About Christopher Taylor, MFT

Christopher Taylor, MFT is a teen expert, therapist, author, and speaker with 16 years of experience working with teens and families. He provides teen and family therapy services in Folsom, Granite Bay, El Dorado Hills and surrounding areas. Chris is the author and creator of the Back to Basics: Tayloring Your Teen For Success Program, consisting of the book, workbook and online course.